03 February, 2012

Something for the weekend

I know it has been a small Donkey Age since I last posted. I apologize. I could cry that I was in school, then I was looking for a job, then I was doing an internship... But that is just life. It was me. It was all me. I was the lazy, slack-jawed monkey spending my free time watching QI rather than doing any sort of work.

I did go so far as starting a new blog that is dedicated to the world of design and showcasing some of the interesting things that come across my desk. I know I mentioned that I would convert this blog to that purpose, but then I realized it would be hard for me to rant about the state of fat people on the escalator or savages that feel it is their duty to throw their litter on the ground rather than in a bin. 

I have effectively doubled my workload. Maybe not the smartest thing, but that is me. 
So if you would all be kind enough to follow me over to the new blog, you can all have a read about some of the stuff I get up to in the design world. This will remain a refuge for ridiculous ideas, silly concepts and social commentary.
Until next posting, I will be burning penguins to keep warm here in London.

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